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Highlands High School

Highlands High School

Below are the links to our eBook (Electronic Books) & Audiobook collection. You can search within each collections or access them through the Apps Portal.

Below are the links to our eBook (Electronic Books) & Audiobook collection. You can search within each collections or access them through the Apps Portal.

Destiny Discover

Destiny Discover
Destiny Discover

Access and check out thousands of eBooks and audiobooks through Destiny Discover!

Login: trdistrictid ex. 980111111

Password is your student chromebook password

Sacramento Plublic Library - English, Spanish, Russian, French, Chinese, portuguese, and more

Sacramento Plublic Library - English, Spanish, Russian, French, Chinese, portuguese, and more

Check out more ebooks and audiobooks through Hoopla hoopla or  Libby Libby

You must create an account in both Hoopla and Libby before you can check out books. See the videos below.


Login: trdistrictid      Ex. tr980111111

Password: your birth day, month, and year   Ex. 01012010

Checking out Books through Hoopla

Checking out Books through Hoopla

Checking out Books through Libby

Checking out Books through Libby

SIRS Discoverer: Ebooks

(Non-Fiction eBooks and Research Topics)

ProQuest: Ebooks

SIR Discovery eBooks ProQuest

User Name: Twinrusd

Password: Twinrusd!

User Name: Twinrusd

Password: Twinrusd!

100 E-BOOKS FOR EARLY READERS (English and Spanish)

100 E-BOOKS FOR EARLY READERS (English and Spanish)



Password: highlands