Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Highlands High School!
The counseling staff is excited to be here to assist you with all of your academic needs. We look forward to another wonderful year and as always, we are here to serve you.
Counselors arrange meeting times with students to discuss academic status and graduation evaluations. At other times, students are encouraged to make an appointment to meet with their counselor, except in crisis situations.
Students can schedule an appointment with their counselor by scanning the QR code that is located in the Counseling and Career Center. Also, teachers have the same QR code in their classrooms and students can scan the QR code from their classrooms.
Students can also see their counselor before school, between classes-- if time permits, during lunch, or after school in the Counseling and Career Center.
- Our School
- Our School
- Administration
- Attendance
- Bell Schedules
- Counseling
- High School Requirements
- History of Our School
- Main Campus Library
- Programs & Highlights
- Registrar
Contact Us:
Fax: (916) 566-7810